The tumultuous tale of "Risa" (Bella-Ranee Campen), who runs a wedding planning company, along with her close-knit circle of friends including "Jan" (Baifern-Passakorn Ponlaboon) and "Aoffy" (Pingpong-Thongchai Thongkanthom) They find themselves tasked with orchestrating a grand wedding for "Arun" (Mahir Pandi) and "Monica" (Anahita Bhooshan), an Indian newlywed couple who hav
泰国最新喜剧片《恭喜我的前任》由 Prueksa Amaruji 执导。星辰高清影院为广大网友收集了2022年由 Anahita Bhooshan Darina Boonchu Ranee Campen 等领衔主演的恭喜我的前任在线观看,星辰高清影院还支持手机看免费高清版恭喜我的前任,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。